You will have heard the phrase, but what does it really mean to you? I believe blended learning holds the power to finally transform education! That’s not the same thing as saying that technology can transform education. We all know technological advancements alone haven’t and won’t. We need the concept and actualisation of ‘blended learning’ to make clear that this is where the highest pedagogical quality is brought to the learner beyond the face-to-face teaching experience, because of what digital technology offers pedagogy. This isn’t simply about teaching with digital resources, it is the use of technology to make high-end teaching more widespread and more manageable. It is pure Ed…Tech!
Highly effective teaching habits, pedagogical content knowledge and school leadership requirements are the starting point. Only then can we thoughtfully use platform design to give us more of what we want: Can we embed a correct and detailed sequence of learning? Can an atomised curriculum be made manageable? Can we meaningfully automate retrieval practice? Can we inbuild correct cognitive load demands? Can we systemise explicit and direct instruction? Can we use low-stakes assessments to identify and eliminate unnecessary future gaps in background knowledge? Can we support parents to engage their children in the learning detail? Can we support learners to self-direct and receive intervention support and to make exciting curriculum choices when no intervention is required? And, the key question: Can we achieve far greater gains from learners when no adult is present, in class or at home?
All of the answers are ‘yes’ at a completely new level with the new generation of learning platforms!
Personally, I believe early number knowledge is the simplest place (curriculum domain) to move blended learning practice forward, as an individual teacher, as a school leader and in terms of system-wide development.
Winning With Numbers is all about having an incredibly tight system for teaching numeracy. It offers an easy to implement, state of the art, learning platform with a narrow focus on number fluency.